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1. CV?

Curriculum Vitae (CV) is the most important document in the recruitment process. The recruiter decides which Candidates should be invited for an interview on the basis of CVs. Even an employee with the best qualifications may be deprived of chances because of a badly written CV. Therefore, it is very important for you to prepare your CV carefully according to a few simple rules:

A well written CV includes:

1. Personal and contact details:

  • Name and surname
  • Date of birth
  • Marital status /optional/
  • Address
  • Telephone number /mobile and stationary/
  • E-mail address

 Make sure that the contact details are correct and up to date!

2. Professional experience:

  • Period of employment /start and end dates of employment/
  • Position held
  • Scope of duties
  • Successes and achievements
  • Name of Employer
  • Field

Enter the date of commencement and completion of a job specified to the nearest month.

Present chronologically the places of employment, starting with the current / last place of employment.

Describe accurately the scope of duties at particular positions. Remember that this description will be the only source of information about your skills at the initial stage of recruitment. Keep attention to detail! If you were promoted, include this information in the description of responsibilities!

Present yourself in the best light, write about your achievements that distinguish you as a candidate for the position.

3. Education:

  • Start and end dates of education
  • Name and location of school/university
  • The field of study, specialization
  • The degree obtained

4. Courses and trainings completed; certificates and qualifications obtained:

  • Date of participation
  • Subject
  • The organizing institution
  • Number of training hours

5. Skills:

  • Language
  • Technical
  • Organizational
  • Social
  • Other

-When you are summarising your CV, it is worth highlighting the skills and abilities that can be used at a certain position that you are applying for, such as:

  • language skills, i.e. your level of knowledge of foreign languages [do not specify your knowledge of Polish language!] – remember to be realistic in the assessment of your language skills [e.g. communicative knowledge of a foreign language allows to carry out a simple telephone conversation]
  • technical skills [e.g. knowledge of documentation and technical drawings, the ability to use specific tools, computer programmes],
  • organizational skills [e.g. solving conflicts, managing effectiveness of subordinates],
  • social [e.g. communication skills, ability to work in a group, amicability],
  • other skills, that is abilities not classified in the previous groups [e.g. driving license].

6. Interests

Presentation of yourself should not be limited to professional aspects. It is worth adding an informal accent, e.g. a unique hobby or interest. The Emloyer may turn out to be a keen numismatist or a fan of Romanian horror movies. You should also take it into account to avoid being caught on making up stories regarding your interests.

7. The clause on personal data protection:

Add the following clause to your CV:

”I hereby agree for the processing of my personal data included in my application for the needs of the recruitment process in accordance with the Law dated 08.29.1997 on the Protection of Personal Data, Journal of Laws No. 133 item. 883.”

This clause is necessary to be able to take part in the recruitment process.

Using templates or wizards will certainly help you to prepare your own CV.

We have prepared for you a CV form, if you want to use it when preparing your CV, click the below link [click to download]

General rulet

Length of CV: well-written resume is not necessarily limited to single-page document. CV should be concise document that contains all the required information.

  • All the information provided in the CV should be true.
  • Remember that the CV is your business card – not only the content but also the graphic side and its simplicity matter. Avoid unnecessary decorative elements. Check the readability of all the information provided.
  • It is advisable to insert a photo in the CV, but avoid informal photos and, what would be even worse, photos of you and some other persons. A photo in the identity card format on a bright, smooth background is absolutely sufficient for the Employer.
  • Avoid typos, inaccuracy and, most of all, spelling mistakes! If you are not sure about the spelling of a particular word, check it up in the dictionary. 
  • Do not send your CV in a foreign language that you do not know since you are implying in this way that you can speak this language.
  • The name of the file with your CV should include your name and surname. Do not use informal file names [e.g. „dad cv new”, „Darek cv en”] or too general ones [e.g.”cv”, „curriculum vitae”].
  • Do not use informal e-mail addresses [e.g.] or inappropriate ones [np.] when you are sending your application.
  • If you apply the above rules, you will increase the chances of your success in the first stage of recruitment!

{tab=How to write an application letter?}

2. How to write an application letter?

An application letter is also called a cover letter. It is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying a résumé or curriculum vitae. The aim of an application letter is presenting one’s strengths, showing one’s interest in a particular job offer and explaining one’s suitability for the desired position.

An application letter consists of two parts.

  • The first part should include a presentation of oneself and the aim of sending an application letter.
  • In the second part you should present to an employer your qualifications which are consistent with the sought after candidate’s profile and a justify why you are the best person for a given position. 

 The structure of a properly written application letter is as follows:

The letter should be concise and factual. It should not exceed one A4 page.

1. Header

  • Place and date of writing an application letter (right upper corner).
  • Name, surname and contact details of an applying person left upper corner.
  • Name and address of a company which is addressed, name and surname of a person who is responsible for the recruitment (if this is known) on the right side below.
  • Salutation: ”Dear Sirs” if we do not know who is responsible for the recruitment; otherwise ”Dear Mr/Ms” should be used.

2. Introduction

Presentation of oneself.

The aim of writing and sending a letter:

  • if you are referring to an advertisement placed on a portal, in a newspaper or some other media
  • – give the name of the source, the date of publication and the name of the position if you are not writing in relation to an advertisement
  • refer to the advantages of the company which encouraged you to submit your CV, give the name of the department, which you are interested in, and the expected position,
  • if you are sending a CV to an Emloyment Agency or personnel consulting company, specify what kind of job you are interested in, in which industry and at what position and explain why you are looking for a job.

3. Body

Your motivation regarding the willingness to get a job.

The most important skills and experience relating to the employer’s expectations set out in the advertisement, qualifications acquired in the previous jobs.

Present your qualifications and competences truthfully, do not add any skills and characteristics that you do not possess, show off your best side, but avoid exaggerating.

Do not describe all of your duties such information should be included in your CV. The application letter should include only crucial information regarding a particular position.

  • Demonstrate the benefits of the job is you.
  • Motivation to work at a given position and what are our expectations.
  • Presentation of benefits resulting from employing you.
  • Motivation to work at a particular position and your expectations.

4. Ending

  • A brief summary of the previous content of the letter.
  • Expressing your willingness and readiness to have a direct meeting.
  • Closing statement (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully).
  • Signature (handwritten or electronic).
  • List of attachments.


References – information about them can be placed in the CV or application letter. In the application letter they should be given below the signature and include:

  • name and surname of a person giving references,
  • the name of that person’s position and the company where you have worked together,
  • mobile or stationary phone number or e-mail address.


  • A letter should be legible, written on a computer using a standard font in a readable size. Include paragraphs and arrange properly the header, body and ending.
  • Each time adjust the content of the application letter to its purpose. It should correspond to the description of the position presented in the job advertisement.
  • Do not duplicate information included in your CV and expand only those that meet the requirements of the employer.
  • Avoid abbreviations, slogans, typos, carelessness and above all spelling errors! If you are not sure how a particular word is spelt, use a dictionary. Do not change recipient’s name and surname or the name of the position for which you are applying for.
  • The name of the file which includes your application letter should consist of your name and surname. Do not use informal names [e.g. „lm daddy new”, „lm Darek Eng”] or too general ones [e.g..”lm”, „application letter”].

Remember that an application letter reflects to a certain extent who we are – not only its content matters, but also the graphic design, aesthetics and simplicity. Avoid unnecessary frills, take care of the readability of the information provided.

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3. How to prepare for a job interview?

When you are invited to a job interview, prepare yourself substantively, mentally and physically. The better you are prepared, the more chances you have to succeed.

1. Arranging a meeting:

After submitting the application, try to be available on the mobile phone. If a consultant who wants to arrange a job interview phones you, write down all the necessary information: the name and address of a company, the time of a meeting, the name surname of a person conducting the meeting.

2. Read the job advertisement once again.

Before an interview read once again the job advertisement that you are applying for – check what requirements are set out and what kind of person the employer is looking for. Think how many requirements from the job advertisement you meet, what is missing in your experience and how you are going to defend it. Systematise your professional experiences and think what you want to tell about yourself and what in your opinion is most important.

3. Information about the company of a potential employer.

Before the meeting it is worth visiting the website of the company which has invited you, finding information about it in the internet, press or among the current employees of the organisation to get additional knowledge about this institution. The following question often arises during job interviews: ”what do you know about our company”? – that’s why you should prepare some information about the institution to prove your big motivation to get the job that you are applying for and also a reason why you want to associate with a given employer.

4. The knowledge of a foreign language.

If the employer marked a very good or proficient command of a foreign language in the advertisement, you should be prepared that the interview might be carried out in that foreign language. It is good to tell yourself about your experiences and expectations in a foreign language. It is worth revising formal and polite expressions as well as specialised vocabulary, which might be useful during the interview.

5. Preparing questions.

Before the interview prepare questions that you would like to ask to find out more details about a specific position or get some additional information about the company. Remember that by asking questions at the end of an interview you confirm of your interest and motivation to work for a given company.

6. Documents

Make a copy of your CV (preferably the amount of copies should match the number of the expected persons). Prepare certificates, permissions, etc., which are required or well seen for a given position, portfolio (if required). If the employer asks you for some additional documents, take them also with you.

7. Clothes

In the job interview you are also judged by your apperance. That is why it is important to take care of your own image. You should dress in business clothes, that is women should wear tasteful costumes, men suits. An important element are also the shoes, which should be smart and clean! Shoes revealing the feet (sandals, slippers, etc.) mean lack of professionalism. Remember that shoes should hide the feet (heel and toes) and match to the colours of the rest of the outfit. Dress up modestly, but smart for a job interview and do not exaggerate with accessories (large brooches, necklaces and belts in gaudy colors.)

8. Punctuality

You can not be late for a job interview! Remember that it might be the only chance to present yourself and show yourself to the employer from the best side. If you might be late for a meeting for reasons of chance, call the employer and inform about the situation. Do not come to the meeting too early because you can be taken as an unorganised person. The optimum time to come for an interview is 5-15 minutes before the scheduled time.


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