Employer Branding includes all the company’s activities aimed at creating its positive image as an employer in the eyes of employees. Owing to the Employer Branding activities, both current and potential employees perceive the company an attractive environment for the development of their career.
A company gains from developing an appropriate strategy by using Employer Branding activities the following benefits:
- a credible image of an attractive employer, – increasing an interest in employment among the most qualified candidates,
- minimising the phenomenon of rotation,
- loyalty of the existing employees,
- reducing the costs of the recruitment processes.
As part of the image-building activities W&BS Personnel Consulting offers:
- Selection of methods and strategies to build a corporate image
- Development of media campaigns in terms of creating a positive image of the employer.
A specific image of the company is created in the eyes of potential employees even during the recruitment process. That’s why W&BS Personnel Consulting specialists carry out the recruitment in an effective way both functionally and in terms of the image.